The Festival finaly yet temporarily has turned into research laboratory mode investigating into correspondance of arts in perofmartive arts. It refers to the idea of the triple unity of arts as discussed extensively by Edward Zwolski in his pioneering book of 1978, Choreia, Muse and Deity in the Greek Religion. Not only the aesthetic questions resulting from the multimodal structure of the perfomance have been explored, but topics related to psychophysical and social aspects of dance activity investigated extensively. This due to coooperation with group of scholars from Institute of Psychology, Human Interactive Laboratory: under the general name Musica Humana. The cognitive concept labeled with this expression has been borrowed form Anicius M.S. Boethius, 480-526, AD, however it absorbed new meaning related to bodily experssion through dance and the concept of the mind worded as the thnking body (Mabel E. Todd, 1880-1956)
2024 Work in progress in cooperation with partners
Musica Humana: Dancing Your Identity, Embracing Logos.
(An interdisciplinary approach to the aesthetic phenomenon of dance taken from Western and Eastern perspectives).
MUSICA HUMANA. European Ethnic Dance in Service of Society and Culture.
subtitle: Rhythms of Nature, Rhythms of Culture.